
SPOROSYSTEM division was established in 2012 as part of Forag, s.r.o. Forag is engaged in packing and packaging systems, materials, technologies and solutions since 1990. FORAG, s.r.o. is a 100 % Czech owned sole proprietorship focused on production of corrugated cardboard packaging.

FORAG, s.r.o. is a 100 % Czech owned sole proprietorship focused on production of corrugated cardboard packaging. Our main goal is to satisfy our customer’s every day demands and needs. Our company focuses on high quality of produced materials, precision in meeting order requirements, perfection in deliveries and deadline handling. FORAG, s.r.o. is mainly supplying industrial packaging for automotive industry, Czech crystal chandeliers manufacturers, packaging for air freight and design packaging for customer’s goods.

Our team is focused on following up with a global development of packaging systems. Every known way of packaging can be provided by our company. The figures show that export packaging for an international enterprises is above 70 % of our total revenue. Deliveries are executed according to a client’s request. We deliver in two basic delivery systems: just in time and different types of consignments, when we reliably adhere to the agreed delivery dates.. These ways proved to be the most efficient for our clients. Track of record provided to companies on demand is unique in packaging industry in compatibility with system of client.

SPOROSYSTEM technology was developed on the basis of successful long-term cooperation with automotive industry. Modern high technology meets the requirements and standards of surface finish, product protection and efficient life span in the area of packaging industry.

Sample products suitable for SPOROSYSTEM packaging

Corrugated cardboard fixing LATTICE

Let us introduce a brand new and innovative product. Fixing lattice made of corrugated cardboard.  The cardboard is sealed into sheeting, which ensures perfect durability of the packaged product against abrasion. The fixing lattice is very flexible. This enables shaping of precise made-to-measure packaging exactly according to the customer needs. Pack your products into corrugated cardboard fixing lattice and cut the costs of manipulation and transport of your products by as much as tens of percents.

What is so special about this product, which is unique on the European market? The main advantages of the fixing lattice are:
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